Sunday, May 15, 2011

New Flave...

A while ago, I heard someone describe themselves as not much of a cook, but they were one heck of a baker. Before this statement hit me in the face, I had always associated baking and cooking with one another- thats even with spending the passed 5 years in the food industry! To explain this lack of discernment, I blame my fantastic mom. There isn't one thing she's baked or cooked that didn't turn into something absolutely mouth watering! Therefore, if you can cook, you can bake. Well, the reason the statement at the beginning rang a bell with me is I don't feel like much of a cook, I cook because we gotta eat... but baking, baking is an art. All that time to get the taste and texture down to a science, then when it comes out the way it should have... Oh man, nothin' better.

On one of my more recent baking adventures I discovered, or rather, rediscovered zucchini bread. Ryan and I participate in a food co-op and one week we had 5 zucchini in our basket. In my world... theres a million things to do with zucchini, but do you really want 5 zucchinis worth of side dish? I think they sat in my fridge for almost two weeks just staring at me, begging to be turned into something worth while.

One of these days, I couldn't stand their little beady eyes on me anymore, so I got the idea for zucchini bread. I love a good cook book and the same old regular recipe as much as the next person, but I can't seem to leave well enough alone. I HAVE to change something about it to make it my own. I sat and found three recipes I liked and made up a combination for what i hoped would be a keeper. Last week was our food co-op and we got 7 tiny yellow zucchini, again, those little eyes... this is the second batch i whipped up and sure enough, its a keeper! A few miner changes on flour, but the rest came out beautifully, if i do say so myself.

* Side note: My cute nieces and nephew were over during this passed batch of Zucchini bread and they were smitten with this new treat. My nephew, Josh exclaimed "Aunty em, this is better than anything eva." (if you have ever heard me do my nephew Josh's voice, this will make more sense. If you haven't, just imagine pretty dang cute.)


  1. Recipe?????? Must share!!!!!!!

  2. Wow, Emi! They look scrumpdillyiscious!! I'm with your mom -- let's have a recipe =] What co-op are you and Ryan in? Been interested in one myself -- jsut didn't know where to look...

  3. Here is the Recipe:)

    2 eggs, beaten
    1/2 sugar
    1/2 packed dark brown sugar
    2 tsp. vanilla flavoring
    3 c. grated zucchini
    2/3 c. melted butter
    2 tsp. baking soda
    pinch of salt
    3 c. all purpose flour
    1/2 tsp. nutmeg
    2 tsp. cinnamon

    yields 2 loaves. preheat oven to 350 degrees.

    In a large mixing bowl, mix together the sugar, eggs and vanilla. Mix in grated zucchini and then the melted butter. Add flour, baking soda and salt gradually. sprinkle in spices.

    Divide equally between 2 sprayed/ buttered 5x9 pans. Bake for 1 hour. Let cool ten minutes before serving!

  4. Aunt Z, our co-op is Bountiful Baskets and we LOVE it. It helps me like crazy when to comes to cooking all week long! We will chat;)
